How to overcome peer pressure????
1. Check the Home environment
Parents can provide the first line of defense to prepare their children for pressures they will face in the world. By teaching children why you set limits and why they must act in certain ways, you help them to understand the purpose of rules. They will then have more information when it comes time to make their own decisions. When children follow rules just because you "say so," they aren't getting the lessons behind the message.
2. Follow the Leader
Peer pressure is not restricted to teenagers. While teenagers are particularly vulnerable, all age groups can fall victim. Youngsters need to be loved and accepted and will follow other kids into dangerous territory for these things. Adults are also subject to these emotions, and fall prey to peer pressure, often without notice.
3. No Fear, No Regrets
Fear of rejection usually leads to giving into peer pressure. It is human instinct to follow the pack and go with the norm. When you step outside of the group's safety zone and do something different, risk is involved. You risk losing friends, a job, love, status and acceptance. While these thoughts may seem rational at the time, standing alone allows you to express more of who you truly are and allows others around you to do so the same. Standing out is normal sometimes, as well as necessary for individual growth. When you buck the trend, you learn more about yourself and your companions.
4. Just Say No
Being able to say no is a crucial key to success in overcoming peer pressure. Whether it's saying no to something you aren't comfortable with or because you don't want to do it, learning to stand up for yourself is a key to breaking the cycle of peer pressure. Think before you act. Ask yourself if you approve of the actions of the group. Look for examples in your life and in the world of people who choose not to follow the crowd. By learning from others' past experiences, you can find the strength you didn't know you had. Once you've said it once, it becomes easier.
5. Healthy People Make Healthy Decisions
If you aren't feeling very good about yourself, you might not be prepared for the daily barrage of peer pressure. By nurturing self-confidence, you can exert more control over your life and your decisions. Watch for signs of inferiority in yourself and your loved ones. Seek counseling if the negative self-image does not respond to positive input. The fight to do right can only be won by those who are prepared.